Flu Clinic

Flu Clinic

Riverview Chemist is helping you fight the flu!
Influenza (flu) is a common, highly contagious virus that affects your respiratory system and can cause severe, life-threatening complications including pneumonia. It is not the same as the common cold which is caused by one of over 200 types of common-cold viruses, including the rhinovirus.
Why should I get the flu shot?
The best prevention against the flu is an annual vaccination. Prevention is better than cure. The virus mutates each year into a slightly different version, so you need an annual flu shot to minimise the risk of getting the flu. For people in certain groups, the flu vaccine is strongly recommended each year to prevent complications, including:

  • Pregnant women
  • Older people
  • Young children
  • People with respiratory diseases such as asthma
  • People with other chronic conditions such as heart disease or diabetes
For everyone else, the flu vaccine can be useful to help prevent illness and time off work. Protecting yourself from the flu also protects the people around you who are more vulnerable to serious flu illness.
Can the flu vaccine give me the flu?
No, there is no live virus in the vaccine. Some people may experience a mild temperature as their body builds its defence again the flu. The vaccine does not prevent the common cold however, so you may still come down with a cold during the winter season despite getting vaccinated against the flu. Full protection from the vaccine takes up to two weeks to develop so the best time to get vaccinated is well before the winter season arrives.

Riverview Chemist is holding an in-store Flu Vaccination Clinic on Thursday 6th MAY 2021. Book in-store or online today! An easy and convenient service where a qualified and registered nurse will vaccinate you and your family members. No prescriptions necessary but bookings will be required. Please speak to one of our friendly staff members for more information.